
Welcome to my blog. Jon Bunge here. Even if I call San Francisco home these days, I’m still a firm supporter of all Chicago sports teams. After all, I was born and raised in the Windy City. To fight away the homesickness, I keep tabs on my hometown’s sports teams. As a true blue Chicagoan, my allegiance belongs to the Bears, Bulls, and Blackhawks. You can take me out of Chi-town, but you can’t take Chi-town out of my system. That’s the truth. 

And as a testament to my love for the sports, I chose sports science and physiology as my college major. I love sports but don’t have the tenacity and the built to be an athlete, so I chose this path. So far, it’s helping me understand more than what we usually see in matches. The human body is capable of so much, and my goal is to help athletes stay in shape. Not a lot of people are working in the field of sports science, and I think there are still a lot of athletes who need assistance and treatment for them to perform their best in the field. While I still have a long way to go before I get to practice what I learned full-time, the best I can do is to share posts on sports, health, fitness, and other related stuff. 

Someday, I’ll get to work with my favorite teams and athletes. And hopefully, build my career in Chicago. When that day comes, I would have done my part as an avid sports fan.

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